当初认为成为leader要有special natual (eg: energy, intuition 直觉 and persuasiveness 说服力)
ACCA - SBL 的 第一章 |
Chapter 01
Strategy, Leadership and Culture
2. Leadership
process of influencing on organisation in its efforts toward achieving an aim/goal
Good leadership (fundamental ethics) => key factor in organisation success
Perspectives on leadership
main approach
Trait approach (theory) 最早的理论
当初认为成为leader要有special natual (eg: energy, intuition 直觉 and persuasiveness 说服力)
Behavior approach
Blake and Mouton
两个因素:concern for people & concern for production(work)
McGregor(Theory X & Theory Y)
X-employee: natually lazy => need to be coersed, supervised, controlled & direct for their behaviour
lack of motivation & initiatives
X-manager: direct supervision => must use authority to control & redirect our employee
micro-management 微观管理,管得细
autocratic 独裁
do not compromise 不让步
under right control, can take on more job responsiblity
Y-manager: encourge communicate
participate but not direct 参与不干涉
give up authority & ranking
Power-Influence approach
autocratic 独裁
participative (power is limited)
Situational approach (不同状态下用不同leadership)
Integrative approach (concern more than one type of leadership)
Leadership role
Top manager role
a. Envisioning
communicating a clear vision of the future and strategy to internal and external stakeholders.
b. Aligning 权力下放
deliver the strategy, building relationships of trust and ensuring that people are committed to the strategy and empowered to deliver it.
c. Embodying (highly invoved)
being a symbol and role model for the organization
Middle manager
a. Advising 军师
Advisers to senior management, as they are often closest to day-to-day Operations
b. Sense making 接地气
translating the strategy into specific contexts.
c. Reinterpretation and adjustment 二次解读
d. Local leadership of change (embodying) at local level
Change (unavoidable 不可避免) and leadership
Charismatic leaders 魅力型领导
energize people & build a vision of the future 画大饼
i.e. transformational leadership
Transactional leaders 实干型领导
focus on systems and controls and generally seek improvement rather than change.
i.e instrumental leadership.
Change management styles (5 styles)
Education and communication
explaining in detail why change is necessary, to win people round
Collaboration and participation
bringing people affected by change into the process of managing it
Decision making delegate to project team
authority ,top-down fashion
Coercion 强迫
extreme form of direction
Entrepreneurship 企业家精神
1. Strategy
Long term decision of an organisation
defending & extending the current business
need to provide new sources of profit
ventures are new and risky
Strategic direction: organizations will generally have objectives and then organize themselves to meet those objectives.
determine long term direction
allocate limite resources [FHPIN]
Financial $
achieve stakeholders' expectation & purpose
V2MGO 企业成功关键要素
Vision 愿景
Future desired state (can bring energy & motivation to staff)
eg: SONY - toad to zero
SAMSUNG - Inspire the world
Inspire the next....
the way business carried out 经商之道
fundemental purpose to exist
general aim (qualitative nature质化)
specific aim (quantitative nature 量化) %、margin、ratio
Level of strategy
Corporate level 集团层面
how to add value
eg: new geographical location / market
Business level
compete successfully 取得竞争优势
eg. where to be based, what products to sell and the markets to target etc
Operational level
impletement effectively
Strategy management
Strategic position --> strategic choices --> strategic in action
3. Culture
the way we doing things around here
influenced factors
national culture
founder of organisation
history of organisation
style of current leader
organisation structure
The cultural web (6+1)
positive & negative events
successful & fail story
symbols (包含 verbal & visual)
logo, office layout, title, uniform
power structures
organisation structure
eg. top-down structure / flat structure
control system
Rituals and routines
eg. drinks after work
clock in & clock out
Paradigm (上述的汇总)