a variable can take the value "T" or "F"
拓扑-集合论公理体系 |
Proposional logic(命题逻辑)
a variable can take the value "T" or "F"
Unary operation
Binary operation
Predicate logic(谓词逻辑)
a proposition-valued function of some variable
For all quantification
Existence quantification
Corollary :
Axioms of Zermelo-Fraenkel
1) Axiom on relation
x∈y is a proposition iff x and y are both sets
Russell paradox(罗素悖论)
2) Axiom on existence of an empty set(空集公理)
Therom : Empty set is unique
3) Axiom on pairs(配对公理)
There exists a set Z that consist of the sets X and Y
Notation: {X,Y}
Def : {x]:={x,x}
4) Axiom on union sets(并集公理)
There exists a set Y whose elements are precisely the
elements of the elements of X
5) Axiom of replacement(替换公理)
let R be a functional relation(函数关系)
m is a set is a set
Notation: the principle of restricted comprehension:
6) Axiom on existence of power set(幂集公理)
there exists a set denoted by whose elements are
precisely the subsets of m.
7) Axiom of infinity(无限公理)
There exists a set thet contians the empty set ∅ and with every of its elements y, it also contians {y} as a element
Corollary : is a set
Remark : as a set :=
8) Axiom of fountation(基础公理、正则公理)
Every non-empty set x contains an element y that has non of
its elements in common with x.
Corollary : there is no set that contains itself as an element
is false for all set X
9) Axiom of choice(选择公理)
Every vector space has a basis
Zorn's lemma(佐恩引理)
Lebesgue Measure
Axiom of choice => non-measurable set
Axiomatic systems(公理体系)
a finite sequence of propositions
a finite sequence of propsitions qi (1<=i<=m),with qm<=>p so that for any 1<=i<=m either:
1) is an axiom(公理)
2) is a tautology(永真式)
3) Modus ponens(分离规则)
Def : there are no contradictions
Therom( )
An axiomatic system,if it is powerful enough to encode the elementary arithmetic of natural numbers, is either inconsistant or contains a proposition can neither be proven nor disproven.
The relation(属于关系)
Relation :a predicate of two variables
Set theroy is built on the postulation(假设)that there exists